What does the video production process look like?
In the simplest terms, it goes something like this: story development, filming, editing, and delivery. What does that mean?
We start by working with you to decide the story we want to tell and then figuring out how to best tell it.
We write out a script or create a story outline. We schedule and plan the shoot so that we are ready to execute the vision when the shoot day arrives. We film what was planned for and often capture moments that were unexpected. Then we take all of that into the editing suite to piece it together in the way that best tells our story.
When the video is complete we help you release it to your audience and work with you to start planning what's next.
How can we make our video go viral?
You probably can't. And that's alright.
While a viral video will quickly draw a lot of eyeballs, and potentially many one-time donations, it's consistent communication and effective messaging that ultimately leads to the sustained support that will grow your organization and allow you fulfill your mission.
How many times have you seen a viral video you loved, and 2 weeks later could remember the video but had no idea which organization it was for?
This is why we focus on the long-term goals rather than short-term buzz.
How much does a video project cost?
Great question. Unfortunately, the answer is that it really just depends.
There are a number of variables that go into determining project fees, such as style, number of videos, video run time, scripting needs, length of shoot, size of production team, amount/complexity of editing needed, and much more.
What we can tell you is that our project options start at $5,000 for a 1-2 minute video. The majority of our projects fall into the $10,000-$15,000 range and include a 2-4 minute Impact Video and 12 Support Videos.
We'd be happy to provide you with a free consultation and cost proposal for your specific project needs. Just reach out and we'll set up a time to talk.
What do you need from us in order to get started?
Just 20 minutes of your time.
A Fit Analysis call is the best place to start. During the call we will discuss your current situation and your future goals. In addition to talking through the results you are looking for, we will discuss how you plan to measure those results.
We want to make sure that what we provide on our end makes sense for you on your end. To ensure we're able to create the value needed to justify moving forward. And that at the end of the day you will be thrilled with the results that are delivered.
This initial call will largely help us understand the best approach for your video project. Once we've determined that we're a good fit, we will put together a Strategy Roadmap that will include approach, timeline, budget, and any other suggestions we may have.